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My name is Terri Versace. I have worked in the graphic design field for over twenty years. After wearing the many hats necessary to successfully do agency work, I started my own small print and web design company, Bird’s I View. And through that, I continue to work as a freelance contractor for Chicago-based companies.


I have worked in start-up companies, small and large promotional and design agencies, event marketing firms and pharmaceutical agencies, all where the importance of marketing strategies, succinct communication and visual design are key to the success of a brand, product or message. As
a graphic designer, I've designed retail and POS displays, promotional event pieces, packaging and websites; I've designed campaigns, laid out brochures, ad spreads, catalogs and annual reports.


Although my background is in graphic design, I also enjoy using my visual skills in the marketing arena. In 2005, I implemented an effective marketing strategy in my own community. That strategy was to encourage our neighborhood families to enroll in our public school, which was slated for closing due to low enrollment. I co-founded and became president of WatersToday, a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing enrollment at our school. Within three years we had doubled enrollment in the primary grades. Now, in 2016, the entire population of the school has tripled and grown to capacity. I continue to market what we started at Waters Elementary, which is key when I work with the Alderman to secure needed funding. A recent example I have helped with is acquiring a new gym floor. To publicly thank that donor, I created storyboards and art directed a video with the purpose of it going viral for community awareness. You can view it at  You can read about and view many of the pieces I created to market Waters School here.


My website contains both my professional and community work. Please browse through it, and contact me if you are interested in working together.



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Birds I View Graphic & Web Design

Terri Versace

2937 W. Eastwood Ave.

Chicago, IL 60625


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© 2014 by birdsiview graphic design and web development

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